The interrupted limited Sejm. Ordinary Sejm in Warsaw. 1720 r.
The Sejm was convened on 8 July 1720, and the pre-electoral sejmiks were held in August 1720. The Sejm began its proceedings on 30 September 1720. The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies was elected Krzysztof Zawisza, who had previously been the Speaker of the limited Sejms: the 22 February 1720 Sejm which had been interrupted and the earlier 14 November 1718 Sejm in Grodno, which had also been limited. However, this Sejm was also interrupted on 9 November 1720. The session of the Sejm was concluded on 11 November 1720.
See: K. Zawisza, Pamiętniki Krzysztofa Zawiszy, wojewody mińskiego (1666-1721) [Memoirs of Krzysztof Zawisza, Voivode of Minsk (1666-1721)], edited by. J. Bartoszewicz, Warsaw 1862, p. 398-419; U. Kosińska, Sejm 1719-1720 a sprawa ratyfikacji traktatu wiedeńskiego [The 1719-1720 Sejm and the matter of ratifying the Vienna Treaty], Warsaw 2003; W. Konopczyński, Dzieje Polski nowożytnej [The History of Modern Poland], v. 2, Warszawa 1986; H. Olszewski, Sejm Rzeczypospolitej epoki oligarchii (1652-1763). Prawo-praktyka-teoria-programy [The Sejm of the Commonwealth of the age of oligarchy (1652-1763). Law-practice-program-theory], Poznań 1966; J. Michalski, Sejm w czasach saskich [The Sejm in the Saxon Times], in: Historia sejmu polskiego [The History of the Polish Sejm], v. 1, Warsaw 1984, edited by J. Michalski, p. 300-349.