The extraordinary sejm on relations with the Ottoman Empire. Warsaw 1677.
This sejm was convened by the king John III Sobieski on 4 December 1676, to take place as an extraordinary sejm on 14 January 1677. The sejmiks were held between 10 and 17 December 1676 and the main Masovian voivodship sejmik took place on 4 January 1677. The extraordinary sejm debated from 14 January to 26 April 1677. Władysław Michał Skoroszewski, chorąży [or khorunzhyi; Polish for standard-bearer], was elected the marshal. Sejm addressed mainly the relations with Ottoman Empire, after signing the peace treaty in Żórawno (17 October 1676). The taxes were established once more, however the deputies voted for significant reduction of the army.
See: Ustawodawstwo zob. Volumina legum, Wyd. J. Ohryzko, t. 5, Petersburg 1860, s. 450-546. H. Olszewski, Sejm Rzeczypospolitej epoki oligarchii (1652-1763). Prawo-praktyka-teoria-programy [Sejm of the Commonwealth in the oligarchy era (1652-1763). Law-practice-theory-programs], Poznań 1966; W. Czapliński, Sejm w latach 1587-1696 [1587-1696 Sejm], in: Historia sejmu polskiego [The history of Polish sejm], t. 1, Warszawa 1984, red. J. Michalski, s. 217-299. K. Matwijowski, Pierwsze sejmy z czasów Jana III Sobieskiego [First sejms from the times of John III Sobieski], Wrocław 1985; R. Kołodziej, „Ostatni wolności naszej klejnot”. Sejm Rzeczypospolitej za panowania Jana III Sobieskiego [“The last jewel of our freedom”. Sejm of the Commonwealth under the rule of John III Sobieski], Poznań 2014.