Second Sejm in Piotrków on the Epiphany, 1534. First of all: taxes.
The sejm was convened with the royal universal, issued in Vilnius on 10 October 1533. The pre-sejm sejmiks were held in December 1533. In writs [Pol.: legacja] issued on 14 October 1533, king Sigismund I pointed out two essential issues, that should become the subject of the sejm sessions: the matters of defence and “law rectification”, which was a law codification project, that shall be later adopted during the general sejm. The sejm started sessions on 6 January 1534, in the king’s absence, who, because of the threat of the war with Muscovy, resided in Vilnius. The royal writs were officially presented by canon of Cracow, Sebastian Opaliński and the castellan of Lublin, Jan Tęczyński. During the sessions, the deputies focused mainly on tax matters, while the discussion on the “law rectification” was postponed to the next sejm session. The resolutions adopted by the sejm were presented to the king in a special writ, with additional, separate articles of the Chamber of Deputies and replies given by the senate. The envoys were chosen by the sejm. Only two articles gained king’s approval, which were officially presented as the king’s constitutions [form of a legal act in Commonwealth, not to mistake with modern constitution]
See: W. Uruszczak, Próba kodyfikacji prawa polskiego w pierwszej połowie XVI wieku. [Polish law codification efforts in the first half of the 16th century] Korektura praw z 1532 r. [Law rectification in 1532], Warszawa 1979, Z. Wojciechowski, Zygmunt Stary [Sigismund I the Old], Warszawa 1946. Sejm walny koronny w latach 1506-1540 [Crown Great Sejm in 1506 - 1540], Warszawa 1980. A. Wyczański, Wokół sejmu piotrkowskiego ze stycznia 1534 roku [On the Piotrków sejm of January 1534], in: Studia Historyczno-Prawne [Legal-historical research]. Prace ofiarowane Profesorowi Janowi Seredyce w siedemdziesiątą piątą rocznicę urodzin i czterdziestopięciolecie pracy naukowej, [Research dedicated to Professor Jan Seredyka for his 75th birthday anniversary and 45th anniversary of scientific work] under the editorship of J. Dorobisz, W. Kaczorowski, Opole 2004, s. 344-351. Ustawodawstwo zob. Volumina Constitutionum, T. 1, cz. 2, Design and layout prepared by W. Uruszczak, S. Grodziski, I. Dwornicka, Warszawa 2000, s. 124-128.