Piotrków 1504. Sejm debating set of rights in the Kingdom.

The sejm was convened in November 1503. The pre-sejm sejmiks were held in December 1503. The sejm debated from 21 January to 13 March 1504. Sejm adopted resolutions, later included in the statute of the chancellor Jan Łaski, which was printed and published in 1506 and comprised of the set of rights and laws in the Kingdom.

See: W. Uruszczak, Statut Jana Łaskiego z 1506 roku. 500 lat tradycji państwa prawa w Polsce [Jan Łaski statue of the year 1506. 500-year tradition of Polish law] , „Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne”, t. 59, 2007, z. 2, s. 9-17. Ustawodawstwo zob. Volumina Constitutionum, T. 1, cz. 1, Design and layout prepared by S. Grodziski, Irena Dwornicka, W. Uruszczak, Warszawa 1996, s. 128-135.