Disrupted extraordinary sejm. Sejm in Warsaw 1665.

Sejm was called soon after the disruption of the first sejm in January 1665. The pre-sejm sejmiks were held in February and March of 1665. This sejm began its sessions on 12 March 1665. Jan Antoni Chrapowicki, chamberlain of Smoleńsk, was elected the marshal of the Chamber of Deputies. Against the intentions of the royal court, which submitted matters on taxes and national defences, the sejm proceedings were dominated by the conflict between the royal court and deputies of Cracow and Sandomierz voivodships. These deputies pushed the debate over the infamy, passed on Jerzy Lubomirski, Grand Marshal of the Crown, which made him form a rokosz. The sejm was disrupted by Władysław Łoś, deputy of Dobrzyń, on 29 March 1665.

See: J. A. Chrapowicki, Diariusz. Część Trzecia: lata 1665-1669 [The diary. Part two. 1665-1669 period.], edited by A. Rachuba, T. Wasilewski, Warszawa 1988, s. 33-38; S. Ochmann-Staniszewska, Z. Staniszewski, Sejm Rzeczypospolitej za panowania Jana Kazimierza Wazy. Prawo-doktryna-praktyka, [Sejms of the Commonwealth under the rule of John II Casimir Vasa. Law-doctrine-practice] T. 1, Wrocław 2000, s. 376-408. W. Kłaczewski, W przededniu wojny domowej w Polsce, Walka sejmowa 1664-1665 [On the eve of the civil war in Poland, Struggles during sejms in 1664-65], Lublin 1984; H. Olszewski, Sejm Rzeczypospolitej epoki oligarchii (1652-1763). Prawo-praktyka-teoria-programy [Sejm of the Commonwealth in the oligarchy era (1652-1763). Law-practice-theory-programs], Poznań 1966.