Deputies negotiations with the Tsardom of Russia and the Electorate of Brandenburg. Sejm in Warsaw 1613.
Sejm was convened in December 1612. The pre-sejm sejmiks were held in January and February of 1613. Maksymilian Przerębski, starost [“starostwo” was a Polish term for eldership office] of Piotrków, was elected the marshal of the Chamber of Deputies. Sejm engaged in adopting war wages in order pay the army, which - not receiving its soldier’s pay, after failures in war against Russia - formed a confederation. The religious dissenters complained about repressions. The sejm also conducted negotiations with missions from Russia, Brandenburg and the Holy Roman Empire. The sejm carried out the judicial prosecution of castellan of Pärnu, Piotr Strabowski, who was accused of high treason. No judiciary law codification, which designer was Jan Swoszowski, was adopted, despite it was agreed upon earlier.
See: I. Lewandowska-Malec, Pisarz ziemski lwowski Jan Swoszowski autorem projektu reformy ziemskiego procesu sądowego [Field clerk of Lviv, Jan Swoszowski, as the author of the draft of the provincial law conduct reform], [w:] Wielokulturowość polskiego pogranicza. Ludzie-Idee-Prawo, [Multiculturalism of the Polish borderlands. People-Concepts-Law] edited by A. Lityński, P. Fiedorczk, Białystok 2003, s.243-258; Ustawodawstwo zob. Volumina Constitutionum, T. 3, cz. 1, Design and layout prepared by S. Grodziski, M. Kwiecień, A. Karabowicz, Foreword W. Uruszczak, Warszawa 2010, s. 118-169.J. Byliński, Dwa sejmy z roku 1613 [Two sejms in year 1613], Wrocław 1984;; J. Byliński, Marcin Broniewski, trybun szlachty wielkopolskiej w czasach Zygmunta III [Marcin Broniewski, the tribune of Greater Poland nobility under the rule of Sigismund III], Wrocław 1994. .W. Czapliński, Sejm w latach 1587-1696 [1587-1696 Sejm], in: Historia sejmu polskiego [The history of Polish sejm], t. 1, Warszawa 1984, red. J. Michalski, s. 217-299. I. Malec-Lewandowska, Sejm walny koronny Rzeczypospolitej i jego dorobek ustawodawczy 1587-1632 [The Crown general sejm of the Commonwealth and its legislative achievements, 1587-1632], Kraków 2009.