Coronation sejm of the young king under the rule of the older king. Sejm in Cracow 1530.

After conducting rather unforseen election of the king’s younger son, Sigismund Augustus, while his father was still alive, the general sejm in Piotrków decided, on 18 December 1529, to convene a corronation sejm. It began its sessions on 2 March, after king Sigismund II Augustus coronation, which took place on 20 February 1530, followed by celebrations, lasting several days. During the proceedings the sejm was to debate over law rectification and evaluation of real estates. After electing his son (vivente rege) as the second, beside himself, king of Poland - what triggered political unrest because of the law violation - the king Sigismund I, on 26 March 1530, issued a universal, in which he guaranteed that the viritim election, which should be held after the death of each ruler, shall be the permanent basis for the new king to come to the throne. As the sejm sessions lasted, the mission from Jan Zapolya, king of Hungary, arrived. Jan Zapolya found himself in a difficult political situation, because of the Habsburgs’ and Ottoman Empire politics. The matter of the king of Hungary was dealt with by the senate. The sejm finished proceedings on 4 April 1530.

See: L. Kolankowski, Zygmunt August, wielki książę Litwy, do roku 1548 [Sigismund II Augustus, Grand Duke of Lithuania to 1548], Lwów 1913; Z. Wojciechowski, Zygmunt Stary [Sigismund I the Old], Warszawa 1946. S. Cynarski, Zygmunt August [Sigismund II Augustus], Wrocław 1988; A. Sucheni-Grabowska, Zygmunt August król polski i wielki książę litewski 1520-1562 [Sigismund II August, the king of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania 1520-1562], Warszawa 1996; W. Uruszczak, Sejm walny koronny w latach 1506-1540 [Crown Great Sejm in 1506 - 1540], Warszawa 1980. W. Uruszczak, Ustawy Zygmunta I z lat 1530 i 1538 w sprawie elekcji królewskiej [Resolutions of the king Sigismund I (1530, 1538) on the king election] in: Prawo wczoraj i dziś. Studia dedykowane profesor Katarzynie Sójce-Zielińskiej [Former and modern law. Research dedicated to Professor Katarzyna Sójka-Zielińska]., edited by G. Bałtruszajtys, Warszawa 2000, s. 349-360.Ustawodawstwo zob. Volumina Constitutionum, T. 1, cz. 2, Design and layout prepared by W. Uruszczak, S. Grodziski, I. Dwornicka, Warszawa 2000, s. 78-83.