Coronation Sejm in Warsaw. 1764.

The Sejm was convoked during the Election Sejm, on September 10th 1764. Pre-Sejm Sejmiks were held in October 1764. Debates of the coronation Sejm, for the first time in history convoked outside Cracow (in Warsaw), commenced on December 3rd 1764. Starost of Piotrków Jacek Małachowski was elected Speaker. The confederation general bond was preserved during all Sejm sessions to prevent the use of the liberum veto. A conference of the King and his ministers to make the execution of power more expedient. A committee of good order for towns was established with intent to organise the treasuries and economics of royal cities. The coronation ceremony of King Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski was held during the Sejm, which concluded on December 20th 1764.

See: J. Michalski, Sejm w czasach panowania Stanisława Augusta (The Sejm during the Rule of Stanislaus Augustus), in: Historia sejmu polskiego, vol. 1, Warsaw 1984, ed. J. Michalski, pp. 350-419; R. Łaszewski, Sejm polski w latach 1764-1793. Studium historyczno-prawne (The Polish Sejm in the Years 1764-1793. Historical and Legislative Study), Warsaw 1975; Z. Zielińska, Sejmy polskie z lat 1764-1786 (Polish Sejms of the Years 1764-1786), Warsaw 1995; Z. Zielińska, Polska w okowach „systemu północnego”. 1763-1766 (Poland in the Grip of the “Northern System”), Cracow 2012. For legislation, see Volumina legum, published by J. Ohryzko, vol. 7, Petersburg 1860, pp. 300-435.