Coronation sejm in Cracow, 1574. Murder at the sejm

The sejm was convened on 19-20 May 1573, at first to take place on 4 October 1573. The sejmiks were held in September 1573. Sejm began right after the coronation of the king, Henry of Valois (later Henry III, king of France), on 21 February 1574. On 5 March 1574 Wacław Agrippa, who later became the castellan of Smoleńsk, was elected the marshal. Before his appointment, the proceedings were conducted by Andrzej Firlej and Stanisław Szafraniec. During its sessions, the sejm dealt with issues of Warsaw Confederation and the Henrician Articles, that were not signed at the coronation by the king. The vacancies were filled, many local privileges were confirmed and the juridical matters were also discussed. The proceedings were disturbed by the murder of Andrzej Wapowski, castellan of Przemyśl, committed by Samuel Zborowski, what became a subject of a heated court case, which preoccupied the deputies.

See: Orzelski Ś., Bezkrólewia ksiąg ośmioro, czyli dzieje Polski od zgonu Zygmunta Augusta r. 1572 az do r. 1576 skreslone przez Świetoslawa z Borzejewic Orzelskiego, staroste radziejowskiego. [Eight books of interregna, that is Polish history since the death of king Sigismund I Augustus in 1572 to the year 1576, depicted by Świetosław Orzelski of Borzejewice, a starost of Radziejów] Przełożył z rękopisu Cesarskiej Publicznej Biblioteki, przypisami i życiorysem uzupełnił Włodzimierz Spasowicz [Translated from manuscript of Imperial Public Library, annotations and biographies completed by Włodzimierz Spasowicz], Petersburg 1856; D. Makiłła, Zabójstwo Andrzeja Wapowskiego, kasztelana przemyskiego, przez Samuela Zborowskiego na sejmie koronacyjnym króla Henryka Walezego w 1574 r. Z zasad stosowania spraw postępku sądowego w sprawach karnych w dawnej Polsce, [Murder of Andrzej Wapowski, castellan of Przemyśl, committed by Samuel Zborowski at the coronation sejm of king Henry de Valois in 1574. The excerpt of application of judiciary principles in criminal cases in the former Commonwealth of Poland] in: Historia testis temporum, lux veritatis, Vita memoriae, nuntia vetustatis. Księga Jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Włodzimierzowi Kaczorowskiemu [Jubilee book, dedicated to Professor Włodzimierz Kaczorowski], editorship of Ewa Kozerska, Marek Maciejewski, Piotr Stec, Opole 2015, s. 237-253..S. Płaza, Próby reform ustrojowych w czasie pierwszego bezkrólewia [1572-1574] [Attemts to reform political system during first interregnum (1572 - 1574)], Kraków 1969. s E. Dubas-Urwanowicz, Koronne zjazdy szlacheckie w dwóch pierwszych bezkrólewiach po śmierci Zygmunta Augusta [Royal nobility congresses during two first interregna, following the death of Sigismund II Augustus], Białystok 1998. D. Makiłła, Artykuły henrykowskie (1573-1576). Geneza-Obowiązywanie-Stosowanie. Studium historyczno-prawne [The Henrician Articles (1573-1576). Origin-Validity-Applicability. Legal and historical research], Warszawa 2012.