Before the first battle of Chocim. The ordinary Sejm in Warsaw. 1621.

The Sejm was convened in July in the face of a threat of war against the Swedes, Moscow, but primarily Turkey. The pre-Sejm assemblies were held in July and August 1621. The Sejm, which drew not too many envoys and senators, went into session on 23 August 1621. It elected Jan Drucki Sokoliński, a Lithuanian notarius campestris (military field writer), as Marshal of the Chamber of Deputies. To counter, above all, an imminent invasion by the Ottoman Imperial forces, the Sejm passed a resolution calling for a mass mobilization (levée en masse) to reinforce the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth army awaiting the Turks at Chocim (Khotyn). The expedition against the Turks, who in the meantime had managed to lay a siege to the Commonwealth troops near Chocim, was to have been led by King Sigismund III Vasa in early October. However, a peace treaty signed with the Turks on October 9, 1621 brought a temporary calm and the mass mobilization was discontinued. The Sejm concluded its proceedings still before that, on 14 September 1621.

See: J. Pietrzak, Po Cecorze i podczas wojny chocimskiej. Sejmy z lat 1620 i 1621 (After the Battle of Cecora and during the Chocim War. The Sejms in 1620 and 1621), Wrocław 1983; S. Ochmann, Sejmy z lat 1615-1616 (Sejms 1615-1616), Wrocław 1970; W. Czapliński, , Sejm w latach 1587-1696 (Sejm in the years 1587-1696), in: Historia sejmu polskiego (History of the Polish Sejm), vol. 1, Warsaw 1984, edited by J. Michalski, pp. 217-299; E. Opaliński, Sejm srebrnego wieku 1587-1652. Między głosowaniem większościowym a liberum veto (Sejm of the silver age 1587-1652. Between the majority vote and the liberum veto), Warsaw 2001. Ustawodawstwo (Legislation), see Volumina Constitutionum, Vol. 3, part. 1, edited for print by S. Grodziski, M. Kwiecień, A. Karabowicz, Preface by W. Uruszczak, Warsaw 2010, pp. 297-320.