After the Accord of Zborów. Extraordinary Sejm in Warsaw. 1650.

The Sejm was convoked in early September 1650, Sejmiks held in October and November 1650. Sejm sessions commenced on December 5th 1650. Lithuanian Stolnik (royal court Table Master) Wincenty Korwin Gosiewski was elected Speaker of the Deputies Chamber. The Sejm was hugely turbulent, its sessions proceeding in the shadow of the perilous situation in Ukraine. Levy en masse was called during the Sejm. Security for cities and castles was ordered, as was the raising of funds and assets for the military. Assistance was provided to noblemen forced to abandon their estates in conjunction with warfare in Ukraine. Matters of “county soldier” status and treasury were raised. Sejm courts were convened to examine all cases filed. The Sejm concluded on December 24th 1650.

See: A. S. Radziwiłł, Pamiętnik o dziejach w Polsce (Memoirs of Polish History), vol. 1, 1647-1656, translated and edited by A. Przyboś and R. Żelewski, Warsaw 1980, p 271 and subsequent pages; W. Czapliński, Sejm w latach 1587-1696, in: Historia sejmu polskiego, vol. 1, Warsaw 1984, ed. J. Michalski, pp. 217-299; H. Olszewski, Sejm Rzeczypospolitej epoki oligarchii (1652-1763). Prawo-praktyka-teoria-programy (Sejm of the Republic of Poland of the Oligarch Era (1652-1763). Law-Practice-Theory-Programmes), Poznań 1966; S. Ochmann-Staniszewska, Z. Staniszewski, Sejm Rzeczypospolitej za panowania Jana Kazimierza Wazy. Prawo-doktryna-praktyka, (The Sejm of the Republic of Poland during the Rule of John Casimir Vasa. Law-Doctrine-Practice) vol. 1, Wrocław 2000, pp. 68-91. For legislation, see Volumina Constitutionum, vol. 4, part 1, prepared for print by S. Grodziski, Marcin Kwiecień, K. Fokt, foreword by W. Uruszczak, Warsaw 2015, pp. 227-250.